AAC Blogs & Websites

PrAACtical AAC

PrAACtical AAC supports a community of professionals and families who are determined to improve the communication and literacy abilities of people with significant communication difficulties. It was founded in 2011 by two SLP professors, Carole Zangari and the late Robin Parker, around a shared passion for AAC.


International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC)

ISAAC – the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication – is a membership organization working to improve the lives of children and adults with complex communication needs. ISAAC’s Vision is that AAC will be recognized, valued and used throughout the world. ISAAC’s Mission is to promote the best possible communication for people with complex communication needs.

United States Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (USSAAC) SpeakUp

United States Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (USSAAC) is the national chapter of ISAAC, the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. SpeakUp is USSAAC's blog.

START Project

This website provides statewide autism resources and training for practitioners who support individuals with autism spectrum disorder.

Xceptional LEARNING

This site supports practitioners in obtaining training support for a variety of topics including AAC. It includes regularly updated information about AAC apps and reviews from professionals.

Tobii Dynavox

This site is designed to support families and practitioners who support individuals using Tobii Dynavox AAC systems. Training resources are available for these systems on the website.

ASHA Leader

A practitioner-friendly online publication that provides relevant topics within the speech-language field, including AAC.

AAC Language Lab

A website provided through the Prentke Romich Company to support the language development of individuals who use AAC. Requires an annual subscription.

Project Core

A website provided as part of a federal grant to support practitioners, teachers, and other communication partners; offers tools and resources for the delivery of universal core vocabulary and augmentative communication supports using the multitiered system for augmenting language.

See Me? See My AAC

This post is found on the blog, "Kim Rankin: Writings & Reflections". She shares photos and stories of raising a son who relies on AAC to communicate.

Implementing AAC in Aphasia

This post was co-authored by associate professor of practice Kristy Weissling and Andrea Kremeier, a second-year speech-language pathology graduate student at Nebraska, for the United States Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (USSAAC) in November 2017.

ALS Augmentative Communication Program - Boston Children's Hospital

The Boston Children's Hospital's ALS Augmentative Communication Program provides comprehensive augmentative communication and assistive technology assessments, trials and training to people with ALS from the time of diagnosis through the lifespan.


Patient Provider Communication

The Patient Provider Communication website puts information about patient-provider communication in one place and invites healthcare providers, family members, patients, researchers, educators and policy makers to access and use existing research, opinion pieces, policies, practical strategies and best solutions to improve patient-provider communication, thereby enhancing patient safety and outcomes, reducing costs and increasing patient satisfaction across the continuum of healthcare.

AAC for the SLP Facebook group

The group is for those who work with and evaluate individuals for AAC. The purpose of the group is to be able to discuss with other professionals anything related to AAC and share useful information.

Communication Supports Inventory – Children and Youth

The Communication Supports Inventory – Children and Youth (CSI-CY) is a tool to help professionals working with students with complex communication needs make educational plans that are comprehensive enough to capture their strengths and restrictions.

Thinking about Thinking for AAC (TAT4AAC)

This site features a generator that consists of inputting features of AAC technology (selecting Access, Language, Display, Output) and receiving a summary of the literature on the associated cognitive demands.This is an exceptional website for professionals, easy to navigate, high amounts of information but presented in a digestible and non-overwhelming format.

Communication Supports Inventory – Children & Youth (CSI-CY)

This site features two videos with outline the Communication Supports Inventory, a tool to help professionals working with CCN to make educational plans and create goals. This website is very small and straightforward, but if a professional was working with this inventory, these videos would be helpful. The direct links to the inventory itself is a useful touch.

Northwest Augmentative Communication Society

This is a non-profit organization focusing on educating and raising awareness about augmentative and alternative communication. It is targeted toward professionals and features a blog updated regularly, as well as extensive links to resources. A very thorough website, especially the resources section.

Talking with Tech AAC Podcast

This links to the Facebook page for the Talking with Tech AAC Podcast, with features two speech-language pathologists answering questions, discussing new research and providing updates on the latest developments in the field of AAC. The podcast is available on Apple Podcasts.

The AAC Agreements Clearinghouse

This site asserts that AAC Agreements are "better" practices that are crowd sourced from stakeholders invested in improving consideration, selection, and implementation of AAC. Stakeholders include (but are not limited to) practitioners, academics, designers, parents, families, and users of AAC. These agreements are supported by research whenever possible. This site, targeted at professionals, has a very clear layout, simple links to research studies and articles backing up the "AAC Agreements."

We Speak PODD YouTube Channel and Facebook Page

The We Speak PODD features a family of eight with four kids learning to use PODD to communicate. This is a resource for professionals, facilitators and partners. It features a great array of videos in various settings, with very thoroughly written descriptions of the videos. Does not seem to be regularly updated, but there is a decent-sized log of videos already.


Amy & Pals: ALS Speech and Communication Solutions Plus Tips from Various ALS Experts

The goal of this website is to provide information, educational videos, materials and recommendations from The Norris Center's multidisciplinary team of experts for the daily challenges faced by people living with ALS. Targeted at professionals, this site focuses on ALS and AAC, and contains a good blog, variety of videos and handouts.

Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Augmentative and Alternative Communication (RERC on AAC)

The RERC on AAC is a collaborative center committed to advancing knowledge and producing innovative engineering solutions in augmentative and alternative communication. It was funded by NIDILRR, 2014-19. Previously, AAC-RERC was funded by NIDRR from 2008-13.

Inpatient AAC – Research and Resources Facebook page

This Facebook page is a forum for researchers and practitioners to share cutting-edge research and clinical tools to support individuals who use AAC in healthcare settings.

Instagram Accounts